• Operates in Tanzania Mainland,
  • We strive to unite the society in a state of equality and justice

We Promote Environmental Conservation

Our Response Towards Environment Challenges And Climate Change Impacts

BHASSA TANZANIA in collaboration with other environmental stakeholders is responding to Tanzania National Environmental Master Plan of June 2022 to 2032 by complementing the government efforts on addressing the discussed 12 key environmental challenges which are: Land Degradation, Deterioration Of Water Sources, Impact Of Climate Change, Environmental Pollution, Deforestation And Forest Degradation, Loss Of Wildlife Habitat And Biodiversity, Deterioration Of Coastal And Marine Ecosystem, Wetland Deterioration, Inadequate Waste Management, Urban Environmental Challenges, Proliferation Of Invasive Species, and Inadequate Environmental Governance.

Land Degradation report for Tanzania in 2014 reveals that the extent of land degradation increased from 42% in 1980 to 50% in 2012 and 80% in 2018 whereby 46% is moderate and 34% is high land degradation whereby Tabora, Dodoma, Singida and Shinyanga are among the highly affected areas while Iringa, Songwe, Katavi and Mara are mentioned among moderate affected areas.